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Gelman, C. R. (2004). Anxiety experienced by foundation-year MSW students entering field placement: Implications for admissions, curriculum, and field education. Journal of Social Work Education, 40(1), 39-54.


Gelman, C. R., & Lloyd, C. M. (2008). Field notes: Pre-placement anxiety among foundation-year MSW students: A follow-up study. Journal of Social Work Education, 44(1), 173-183.


Kanno, H., & Koeske, G. F. (2010). MSW Students’ satisfaction with their field placements: The role of preparedness and supervision quality. Journal of Social Work Education, 46(1), 23-3


Rompf, E. L., Royse, D., & Dhooper, S. S. (1993). Anxiety preceding field work: What students worry about. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 7(2), 81-95.8.



Anchor 1
Anchor 2

Field Education


Bogo, M., Rawlings, M., Katz, E., & Logie, C. (2014). Using simulation in assessment and teaching: OSCE adapted or social work. Washington, DC: CSWE Press.


Bogo, M. (2018). Social work practice: Integrating concepts, processes, and skills (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Columbia University Press.


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Okuda, K. (2018). Learning through meaning making: Applying job crafting in field learning. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 38(5). 470-485. 


Pierce. D. (2016). History, standards, and signature pedagogy. In C.A Hunter, J.K. Moen, & M.S. Raskin (Eds.), Social work field directors (pp. 5-22). Chicago, IL: Lyceum Brooks.


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Shulman, L. S. (2005). Signature pedagogies in the profession. Daedalus, 134(3), 52-59.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Anchor 3

Myths & Pitfalls


Barlow, C., & Hall, B. L. (2007). ‘What about feelings?’: A study of emotion and tension in social work field education. Social Work Education, 26(4), 399-413.


Gelman, C. R. (2004). Anxiety experienced by foundation-year MSW students entering field placement: Implications for admissions, curriculum, and field education. Journal of Social Work Education, 40(1), 39-54.


Gelman, C. R., & Lloyd, C. M. (2008). Field notes: Pre-placement anxiety among foundation-year MSW students: A follow-up study. Journal of Social Work Education, 44(1), 173-183.

Gelman, C. R. (2009). MSW students' experience with termination: Implications and suggestions for classroom and field instruction. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 29(2), 169-187.


Glassman, U. E. (2016). Finding your way through field work: A social work student's guide. SAGE Publications.


Hughes, M. (2011). Do challenges to students' beliefs, values and behaviour within social work education have an impact on their sense of well-being? Social Work Education, 30(6), 686-699.


Pierce. D. (2016). History, standards, and signature pedagogy. In C.A Hunter, J.K. Moen, & M.S. Raskin (Eds.), Social work field directors (pp. 5-22). Chicago, IL: Lyceum Brooks.


Zeff, R. Kaersvang, L., & Raskin, M. (2016). Placing students. In C. A. Hunter, J. K. Moen, & M.S. Raskin (Eds.), Social work field directors (pp. 83-104). Chicago, IL: Lyceum Brooks.



Anchor 4

Field Placement Anxiety


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Okuda, K. (2018). Learning through meaning making: Applying job crafting in field learning. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 38(5). 470-485. 


Pierce. D. (2016). History, standards, and signature pedagogy. In C.A Hunter, J.K. Moen, & M.S. Raskin (Eds.), Social work field directors (pp. 5-22). Chicago, IL: Lyceum Brooks.


Vinton, L., & Wilke, D. J. (2011). Leniency bias in evaluating clinical social work student interns. Clinical Social Work Journal, 39(3), 288-295.

Anchor 5

Anxiety is Your Asset


Gelman, C. R., & Lloyd, C. M. (2008). Field notes: Pre-placement anxiety among foundation-year MSW students: A follow-up study. Journal of Social Work Education, 44(1), 173-183.


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Okuda, K. (2108). Kintsugi: Choosing a path of transformation in social work. Manuscript in preparation.

Anchor 6

Difficult Conversations

Bogo, M. (2018). Social work practice: Integrating concepts, processes, and skills (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Columbia University Press.

Burghardt, S., DeSuze, K., Bryant, L. L., & Vinjamuri, M. (2018). A guide for sustaining conversations on racism: Identity, and our mutual humanity. San Diego, CA: Cognella Inc.

Glassman, U. E. (2016). Finding your way through field work: A social work student's guide. SAGE Publications.

Hendricks, C. O., Finch, J. B., & Franks, C. L. (2013). Learning to teach, teaching to learn: A guide for social work field education. Washington, DC: CSWE Press.

Anchor 7



Cox, K., & Steiner, S. (2013). Self-care in social work. A guide for practitioners, supervisors, and administrators. Washington, DC: NASW Press.

Decker, J. T., Brown, J. L. C., Ashley, W., & Lipscomb, A. E. (2019). Mindfulness, meditation, and breathing exercises: reduced anxiety for clients and self-care for social work interns. Social Work with Groups, 1-15.

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Ying, Y. W. (2008). The buffering effect of self‐detachment against emotional exhaustion among social work students. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 27(1-2), 127-146.

Quotes Listed on the Page

Anchor 8

Asking for Help


Bogo, M. (2018). Social work practice: Integrating concepts, processes, and skills (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Columbia University Press.


Glassman, U. E. (2016). Finding your way through field Work: A social work student's guide. SAGE Publications.

Kanno, H., & Koeske, G. F. (2010). MSW Students' Satisfaction with their field placements: The role of preparedness and supervision quality. Journal of Social Work Education, 46(1), 23-38.

Ting, L. (2011). Depressive symptoms in a sample of social work students and reasons preventing students from using mental health services: An exploratory study. Journal of Social Work Education, 47(2), 253-268.


Zeff, R. Kaersvang, L., & Raskin, M. (2016). Placing students. In C. A. Hunter, J. K. Moen, & M.S. Raskin (Eds.), Social work field directors (pp. 83-104). Chicago, IL: Lyceum Brooks.

Kanako Okuda, LCSW​
Field Placement Anxiety
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